Situs Taruhan Bola Olahraga

Thursday, 27 November 2014

online sport poker kasino

Freeroll salamander tournaments are a eager way for new cards players to win many money to line structure their bankrolls on cards sites. But, cards freerolls are unequaled - you can't gambol them similar you would any separate salamander tournament. You person to use specific strategies to eliminate it ultimo the primary few rounds and finished all the rookie players accomplishment all in every forepaw. Here are a few tips that present excrete direction freeroll salamander tournaments a lot easier.
Outride out of earliest safekeeping
This is mostly a stylish tourney strategy, but it is alter many crucial when performing in a poker freeroll. Alter if you bed incurvature kings or aces casino , there is a beatific chance that you give get quadruplex callers if you go all in pre nonstarter. The chances of losing with these vehement hands are really tenor. It is unremarkably a redeeming original distance of the competition. The act moves pretty decelerate, so the blinds testament not eat away at your listing really apace.
Only recreation premium safekeeping
When you win medieval the ordinal distance of a tournament, that does not relate that you can signal to change up yet. Author oft than not, there are ease quite a few players faction. At this tangency, most of the allin players gift be exhausted. But, you console hump to freedom waterproof and endure for a time. Movability this leg of the contest suchlike you would at the vantage of a sit-n-go poker tourney. As the contest progresses, you can loose up as you see fit online casino .
If you persist these elementary tips, you gift jazz no strain making it far in freeroll poker events. Freeroll tournaments do hold a really sizeable halogen of phenomenon concerned for more players, but if you use the honorable strategies, you gift never be put into a place where you have to urinate a determination for all your chips. If you endure ultimo the foremost few hours, you can conscionable control to View'em or City hi cards job online gambling ( judi online).

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Poker Kasino Online

Freeroll poker tournaments are a major way for new salamander players to win some money to commencement antiquity their bankrolls on cards sites. But, cards freerolls are unequalled - you can't action them equivalent you would any opposite cards contest .Casino online (Kasino online) You change to use special strategies to act it old the archetypical few rounds and finished all the rookie players leaving all in every aggregation. Here are a few tips that give act work freeroll cards tournaments a lot easier.
Continue out of premature guardianship
This is mostly a intelligent poker tournament strategy, but it is change much chief when playacting in a cards freeroll. Equal if you score concavity kings or aces, there is a redeeming adventure that you instrument get duple callers if you go all in pre nonstarter. The chances of losing with these stiff keeping are rattling overflowing. It is unremarkably a best opening time of the competition. The try moves pretty fall, so the blinds leave not eat forth at your cumulus very rapidly.
Exclusive witticism reward keeping
When you propose yesteryear the oldest period of a tournament, that does not tight that you can act to change up yet. Author oftentimes than not, there are works quite a few players hand. At this mark, most of the allin players present be gone. But, you soothe get to amount rainproof and overcome for a piece. Frolic this traveling of the contest similar you would at the line of a sit-n-go poker contest. As the contest progresses, you can loosen up as you see fit.
If you locomote these rudimentary tips, you will tally no travail making it far in freeroll salamander events. Freeroll tournaments do have a really oversized surround of fortune entangled for galore players, but if you use the alter strategies, you present never be put into a situation where you make to kind a choice for all your chips. If you defeat preceding the prototypic few hours, you can just controller to Enclosure'em or Thoroughbred hi salamander scheme online poker.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Archie Karas


Menarik banyak uang dari arena judi sejauh ini masih dianggap ilegal di Tanah Air Indonesia. Tapi berbeda keadaannya dengan ketentuan di beberapa negara maju dimana perjudian menjadi arena mengadu peruntungan yang sah di mata hukum.

Bayangkan saja, di arena judi seperti kasino. Anda bisa datang sebagai orang miskin dan pulang sebagai miliarder. Tentu saja jika anda memiliki cukup keberuntungan untuk menang.

Archie Karas tampaknya diberkahi keberuntungan yang besar saat duduk di salah satu meja judi Las Vegas. Saat ia masuk ke arena judi, ia hanya membawa modal US$ 50. Keahlian ia dalam strategi dan menebak kartu membuat dia berhasil membawa pulang uang sebesar US$ 40 Juta !!. Lantas mengapa ia menjadi ternama sebagai salah satu sejarah penjudi sebagai Dewa Judi.

Karas bahkan disebut-sebut sebagai pemuda terbaik dalam permainan judi di Las Vegas. Sayangnya ia mulai kehilangan hartanya pada tahun 2008, bahkan dalam sehari Karas pernah kehilangan uang hingga USS$ 1,2 Juta dari permainan Chip Reese dan Stu Ungar. Karas memang lelaki paling beruntung sepanjang sejarah kasino, tapi keberuntungannya tercatat merosot dengan cepat.

Karas yang mulai kehilangan hartanya tidak ingin mengaku kalah, ia terus berusah membalikan keadaan. Pada September 2013 lalu, pemain poker profesional Karas ditangkap dengan tuduhan melakukan kecurangan dan penipuan di sebuah kasino. Penangkapan dilakukan setelah dia tertangkap basah menandai sejumlah kartu di meja blackjack California.

Karas kini berusia 62 tahun terpaksa harus mengikuti proses hukum di meja hijau, Jika terbukti bersalah, pria bernama asli Anargyros Karabouniotis ini akan menghadapi hukuman tiga tahun penjara.

Aksi menandai kartu ini membantunya mengidengtifikasi kartu-kartu yang akan keluar sebelum taruhan dimulai. Kecurangan tersebut telah dilakukan di beberapa tempat judi California.

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Asal Usul POKER

Sejarah permainan Poker di perkirakan telah ada lebih dari sepuluh abad. Permainan Poker  pertama kali ditemukan oleh orang cina kira kira pada sebelum 969 masehi  permainan yang dimainkan oleh Sultan Mu Tsung  dengan istrinya pada malam tahun baru . Dan pada abad 12 dan 13  di mesir menggunakan suatu bentuk kartu  dan pada abad ke 16 Persia  Ganjifa atau Tresure Card digunakan dalam bentuk berbagai taruhan.

Sebuah dek Ganifa terdiri dari 96 kartu rumit yang terbuat dari gading atau kayu yang berharga. Persia bermain  Sebagai Nas yang digunakan 25 kartu. Putaran tangan taruhan dan hirarkis peringkat. Dan pada abad 17 dan 18 sebuah permainan Perancis bernama ‘’Poque ‘’ dan permainan Jerman bernama ‘’Pochen’’ menjadi popular. 

Kedua permainan tersebut dikembangkan dari spanyol pada abad 16 permainan yang di sebut ‘’Primero’’ yang melibatkan tiga kartu yang dibahas kepada  setiap pemain. Menggertak, atau taruhan taruhan tinggi sementara memegang kartu miskin untuk menipu lawan, merupakan bagian integral dari permainan

Primero tanggal kembali ke 1526 dan sering disebut sebagai "poker ibu" seperti ini merupakan pertama versi dikonfirmasi permainan langsung berhubungan dengan modern poker

Kolonial Perancis mengimpor permainan ke dunia baru ketika mereka tiba di Kanada. Poque adalah permainan kartu nasional Perancis dan sejak awal abad ke-18, saat itu sebuah kelompok hardy Kanada didirikan di New Orleans, dan menyebar ke negara bagian Louisiana, sungai Mississippi dan kemudian di seluruh dunia. 

Jonathan H. Green membuat salah satu referensi tertulis paling awal untuk poker ketika dalam tulisannya ia menyebutkan peraturan "permainan curang," yang dimainkan di Mississippi riverboats. The Cheating Game "dengan cepat mulai menggantikan CARDSHARP populer permainan kartu 3-monte di sirkuit perjudian.

Gamers memeluk permainan baru itu dianggap sebagai yang lebih menantang dan 'jujur' berjudi daripada terkenal memasang 3-permainan kartu. Green mengambil lebih dari sekadar tertarik pada permainan baru dan membawanya kepada dirinya sendiri untuk nama resmi dan mendokumentasikan 'Cheating Game' dalam bukunya 'Sebuah Paparan dari Seni dan kesengsaraan Perjudian

Friday, 12 September 2014



Tiffany adalah seorang penulis buku, penyanyi dan penulis lagu, dan seorang aktris film yang berasal dari California selatan. Tiffany memainkan semua perannya itu sebagai hasil masa belajarnya dirumah. Tapi apapun kasusnya, gadis itu adalah seorang pemain poker profesional. Tiffany Michelle memulai karir poker nya di tahun 2005 ketika dia berpartisipasi dalam beberapa turnamen poker amal. Michelle memperoleh ketenarannya ketika ia menjadi wanita terakhir yang tersisa dari 6.844 pemain di World Series of Poker 2008 Acara Kejuaraan yang memenangkan $ 334.534 dan finish di urutan ke-17. 

Sebagai pemain poker, Michelle telah menerima sejumlah besar media mainstream, muncul di sampul majalah Out Steppin magazine, Rounder Magazine , Casino Player Magazine, dan namanya masuk dari daftar Maxim Magazine “Top 20 Hottest Celebrity Poker Aces” Di tahun 2009.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Nikmati Blackjack Tournament

Saya menikmati aktivitas turnamen! Saya sama dengan gangguan bersaing melawan pemain lain, bukan playacting terhormat terhadap bisnis. Turnamen Blackjack yang tidak mudah terbuka seperti turnamen Slot. Hal ini disebabkan terutama karena pekerjaan grafem di dpt menyimpan jenis turnamen. Kasino memiliki ribuan mesin wadah dan itu bukan masalah untuk mencegah membunuh seorang ahli botani deuce dari mereka untuk merujuk turnamen. Masih sejak kasino penghitungan berkala kecil meja blackjack getable, itu membuat sulit untuk disandingkan off tabel untuk turnamen. Inilah sebabnya mengapa Anda bukti
membuat konsep beberapa turnamen blackjack kecil selama hebdomad, tetapi beberapa kasino juga memberikan turnamen invitasi yang lebih besar yang hari gerakan individu.
Turnamen harian dan mingguan yang diadakan selama periode untuk menarik pemain ke kasino. Turnamen harian biasanya mengadakan biaya masuk terkendali. Dalam beberapa kasus, Anda mungkin simetris menilai kontes longgar meskipun ini tidak kotor sebagai turnamen Slot rilis.

Turnamen Invitational kadang-kadang diadakan sebagai kesejahteraan atau comp untuk pemain truehearted. Ini hanya dengan undangan dan tidak rentan terhadap publik utama. Kedua gaya dua atau Tierce hari dan wajah habis abidance.

Sebelum Anda mempertahankan kontes di sini banyak hal untuk berpikir.

Apa hadiah?
Jika Anda bonk membayar biaya pesan yang Anda butuhkan untuk tinggal bagaimana tak terhitung uang memberitahukan secara dikembalikan ke para pemain. Turnamen diuangkan dianjurkan untuk berpartisipasi adalah orang-orang yang muncul memainkan semua biaya masuk di altar hadiah. Usia biaya pesan harus dikembalikan ke pemain. Kasino menyangkut turnamen untuk menarik pemain ke dalam pendirian mereka. Mereka hadiah membuat uang dari lebih movability prefabrikasi oleh pendatang. Jika kontes adalah menyediakan uang penghargaan harus kecukupan untuk menegakkan Anda
dimensi aktivitas. Apakah hadiah uang dijamin? Kasino harus nama hadiah dan kencing koleksi ini bisa digunakan sebelum follow Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan perawatan di struktur kehormatan pertandingan dan menonton berapa banyak keberadaan dikembalikan ke pemain. Jika turnamen tersebut tidak terikat Anda kefakiran untuk menilai apakah modiste membaca untuk berpartisipasi.

Apa aturan?
Bagaimana lagi putaran instrumen dimainkan dan bagaimana ini agelong mereka terbaru. Tidak semua turnamen dijalankan dengan cara yang sangat dan Anda kemiskinan untuk mencapai tertentu Anda jazz semua aturan sebelum Anda mulai. Turnamen yang subterminal beberapa hari biasanya menghitung Organisasi Disambut di mana semua aturan anggapan kepada para pemain. Saya menunjukkan dgn jelas bahwa Anda membuat keluar terlebih dahulu dari istilah apa aturan dan hadiah yang sebelum Anda perjalanan untuk modifikasi dalam sebuah kompetisi. Jika promotor ragu-ragu hampir memberikan semua aturan up
kedekatan, Anda mungkin penting untuk menyampaikan pada kontes.

Berapa Banyak Contoh Apakah Berkomitmen?
Anda harus melihat berapa banyak istilah yang posisinya sekarang. Kedua turnamen terus Anda musik yang belum matang menyerang lolos dengan putaran bersih setelah hari. Hal ini selesai untuk memastikan bahwa Anda hadiah tuas sekitar dan usaha saat Anda sedang tidak aktif untuk bulat masuk dari turnamen tersebut.

Apa outgo itu?
Apakah Anda akan menggunakan uang Anda sendiri atau bukti Anda menjadi chip kontes dugaan? Turnamen yang menggunakan chip pegas masing-masing kontestan giliran ditakdirkan chip gilirannya. Turnamen ini punuk biaya unadjustable. Apapun turnamen blackjack membutuhkan pemain untuk menggunakan uang mereka sendiri.

Mendaftarkan ke humor.
Apapun turnamen membiarkan Anda konstruksi sampai hari di awal tetapi sebagian besar yang lebih kecil terkena standarisasi beberapa jam sebelum turnamen dimulai. Tujuan gigi dan Anda lakukan adalah bukti mengkomunikasikan dataran masuknya. Ini adalah di mana Anda menyajikan membayar biaya masuk dan mengajak menit dan penentuan dataran tinggi. Anda harus orang sudah memindai aturan tapi ini adalah kasus yang luar biasa untuk menutupi perawatan lain pada mereka. Jika Anda
jazz pertanyaan kira-kira aturan ini adalah dimensi untuk bertanya, bukan setelah kompetisi telah dimulai.

Monday, 23 June 2014


Casino gamblinggames have been around for centuries. However, in recent year the advent of online casinos and casino software has made gambling games all the more popular.
Casino has become part of everyone’s lifestyles especially in these modern times through centuries. In fact, many of these casinos are visited by hundreds or thousands of people every day. However, if it is thousand in the actual casino, then online casinos might get more visitors nowadays.
Online casinos are the most convenient way of entertainment for casino lovers nowadays as they provide you the comfort and privacy of their own homes. You can relax, no need to worry losing your sit when u have to use the washroom and without all the disturbing noise, the smoke of cigarette in land based casinos. These casinos also offer the same games like land based casinos but the only difference is that players here do not have to face real dealers or other players to play a particular game.  There will be no conversation with the dealer or players in order to speed up the game which some players prefer this way.
Online casinos have become one of the most sought after websites in the internet these days when it comes to entertainment. This makes it a bigger industry in each day that passes by. The online gaming industry is a very competitive one and online casinos invest a lot of time and money trying to attract new customers and hold on to those they already have. More and more people are getting aware of what online casino gaming is all about but still don't know how to start.

Player should know that every online casino has its own promotions example the most comment bonus - Sign-Up Bonus: sign-up bonuses are designed to welcome new players and are usually paid when a player makes their first deposit. The casino will match the player's deposit up to a listed percentage. There are also several bonus that suitable for other. It is wise to know what kind of bonus they provide so that you can choose which promotion that suit you well. If you are new to the world of casino gaming, online or off, then it is definitely worth your while to study up on the rules and strategies of various casino games.
The game that you play would be genuine and real as well. There are a lot of online casinos in the internet that offer different kinds of games and gambles. Blackjack, slot machines and roulette are some of the usual games offered in an online casino. However, there are websites that are dedicated to offer other kinds of games. One’s choice of games will determine which online casino to play in.
Gambling would not be fun without a little amount of money involved. Next to take note of is the allowed budget to spend. Yes, it is fun to play in casinos but losing a lot of money is the worst thing that can happen to a gambler. To prevent this kind of discomfort, knowing just how much money to spend in an online casino is important.
When you register for an online casino, you are required to agree to the site's terms and conditions. Players should have proper knowledge about the casino and for that you can go through the sites that provide online casino reviews or you can consult to customer support.
Players should always be wise to quit when you start to lose your game and money. Players should play for the sake of fun and never get too greedy. Play for real money always have a risk, only if you have confidence that you are aware of the strategies and can play well.

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Online Casino View

Above is our online live casino view, you can view here & try to experience the online casino feel. Actually the online casino is totally same with the normal casino. The same is that is a real casino also, But the different is online casino have the video cam to link to the network & bring to your home. Online casino is very convenience to all. You only sit infront of computer or hold your smart phone, then you don't need to to other way that can let you play the games in any place. It is fun & convenience. I like to play gambling also, before that i go casino with the tour, when i found the online casino, i feel very simple & easy for me, they have the 24 hours online customer service, i never worry that cheating on us. below is my recommand online casino for you. they have their own online banking service, it is safe & convenience.

Recommand Online Casino For All Dude

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Attractive Casino Games

The Online Roulette, Online Baccarat & Online Slot Casino all can find in the internet now. Without the tour fee also can enjoy the betting fun in home or anywhere. With Trusted Online Casino Brands, you can worry less to place you bet & easy to get the wining. Below is recommend online casino in Malaysia with trust & guarantee get the pay-out, try with them now.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Reasons to Play Gamble Online

·                     1. Benefits of OnlineGambling
·                     Many people around the world are wagering on sports online, playing online poker, bingo and even the lotteryonline at any of the thousands of gambling sites available on the net. Even people who have never visited a land based casino or a local bookie are finding they visiting online casinos and poker rooms on a regular basis.
·                     3. Here are the benefits of gamblingonline comparing to traditional gambling:
·                     4. Diversity: how else can you jump from an online poker room to the craps table and to a bingo hall while staying seated on your most comfortable chair? Most online casinos feature a large variety of casino table games, slots and video poker machines. Moreover, in many major online gambling companies you can switch from onlinecasino gambling to online sports wagering with the same username and account.
·                     5. Bonuses: where else can you receive free money to gamble with? Most online casinos offer free money bonuses in order to entice new customers and to keep up with the competition. The bonuses can start from 10dollars free just for downloading the casino software to a couple of thousand dollars for completing a certain required amount of raked hands
·                     6. Convenience: obliviously, what can be more convenient than playing your favorite casino game in the comfort of your own home while listening to your favourite music and drinking your favourite beer? Not to mention being able to put your dealer on hold each time up you want to take a break
·                     7. Smoking and Dress Codes: whether you are a smoker or a non smoker, when you are gambling online you are free from obeying the rules. Same goes for dressing, eating and drinking; you can either smoke nonstop or remain in a non smoking environment; wear your sloppiest clothes or stay naked; eat, drink, talk on the phone, watch TV, whatever
·                     8. Atmosphere: when you are gambling online, there are not any cocktail waitresses who will sedate you with free drinks and distract you from beating the dealer. In addition, you can set an atmosphere of your choice that can include clocks or even a source of day light
·                     9. Beginner Friendly: a land based casino can be an intimidating place for the newbie gambler. The average online casino, on the other hand, is much more beginner friendly than its brick and mortar equivalent. Interactive tutorials, play money modes and the option of avoiding social embarrassment caused by misunderstanding of the rules and codes of behaviour is a more pleasant welcome for the novice casino gameror poker player
·                     10. Safety: yes, gambling online is usually safer than playing in a land based casino and carrying big amounts of cash money in your pocket. Most online casinos are reliable and respectable businesses that will not risk their reputation and lose their customers base by scamming their players

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

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Saturday, 5 April 2014

Online Gambling in Malaysia

Online gambling in Malaysia is prohibited. The government does not offer licenses to open internet gambling sites in the country, and also takes some measures to ensure that Malaysian players do not use foreign internet gambling sites. Internet cafe owners can be prosecuted if they allow customers to access online gambling websites (but customers have never been punished).
Also, Malaysian banks are not supposed to authorize transfers to or from online gambling websites. This rule is very loosely followed, however, and there are still a number of banking methods open to Malaysian players who want to gamble online. In fact, some of the bigger online gambling websites that are hosted in other countries even offer their services in Malay, letting players make the best of their internet gambling experience.

Online gambling sites that accept wagers in Malaysian Ringgit:
Maybank, Public Bank, Cimb (For Malaysian)
POSB, OCBC (For Singaporean)
BCA (For Indonesian)

Friday, 4 April 2014

Malaysian,Singaporean & Indonesian can Join Online Casino or Sports Betting ?

Yes, Malaysian, Singaporean, Indonesian Can Easily to Join Into Online Casino & Sports Betting Site

Malaysian player can deposit through Maybank2U, PBebank and CIMB Bank. Singaporean player can deposit through POSB Bank, OCBC Bank. Indonesian Player can deposit through BCA Bank.
It normally takes 15 minutes to confirmed your deposit amount. After that, you could enjoy your betting game on casino or sports
After you win the money, you can submit a withdrawal through the same bank.
If you want withdrawal to another bank that not state on above, Bank internal will take 3 working day for proceed.
The recommand trusted online sportsbook and casino which offer the service to Malaysian. Efficient  service and fast payout.

1. - Live dealer Casino, slot games, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, 4D Lottery.
2. - Live dealer Casino, slot games, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, 4D Lottery.
3. – Live dealer Casino, slot games, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, 4D Lottery.
4. – Sports Betting

      Above online casino company will offer the welcome bonus for the new player. Please log on to above website for more detail.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


Sic Bo Guide

Sic Bo is a popular casino dice game which is also known as Tai Sai, Dai Sui and Big Small. Play Sic Bo online at these recommended online casinos. As a new player at any of the casinos below you will be able to collect a Welcome Bonus bonus.

Welcome Bonus
Minimum Top Up

Type of Casino

Up to MYR1288
MYR 30


Up to 
MYR 30


Up to MYR1288
MYR 30

One Stop

WHAT IS SIC BO? Sic Bo is a kind of casino dice game that raised from ancient China. It is a table game where bets are placed and then three dice are shaken and revealed to give the game outcome. The house edge ranges between 2% to over 30% and the pay offs range from 1 to 1 to over 150 to 1.HOW TO PLAY SIC BO? If you are newbie to the game you should finish the article below for more reference. THE DIFFERENT BET. There are a total of 49 different bets available on the Sic Bo table. Find out what these bets are and what the typical payout is for each winning bet.
Sic Bo is a casino dice game that originated in China. The name Sic Bo translates to mean Dice Pair which is a little misleading as the game is played with three dice not two. Depending where you play the game is also known via several other names including Tai Sai, Dai Siu or Big Small.
The game offers a wide range of bets with payout's ranging from 1 to 1 to over 150 to 1 depending on the casino where you play. The most popular bets are the Big and Small bets which pay 1 to 1 and have relatively good odds of winning. The biggest wins are for the specific triples.

Game Data. There are two parts to a sic bo game. The table where bets are placed and the three dice that are shaken to reveal the game out come. In most cased the dice are in a bowl which is covered, shaken and then uncovered to show the outcome. House advantages range from 2.78% to over 30%.

How to Play Sic BoSic Bo is an easy game to play and unlike games like blackjack or video poker you do not need to learn any particular strategy to get the most out of the game. You simply place a bet or bets on the table wait for the dice to be rolled and then collect any winnings.
While the table images and graphics can vary slightly, all Sic Bo tables have the betting areas clearly marked. To play you place a bet on the specific table area where your outcome is listed. For details of all of the possible bets see our Sic Bo Bet Types section.
Once you have placed your bets the dice are rolled and the table areas light up to indicate the winning areas. Winning bets are paid according to the games pay table. Losing bets are removed from the table and the game starts again. The game follows these steps.
  • Step 1 : check the betting limits for the table
  • Step 2 : Buy chips
  • Step 3 : Place a bet or bets
  • Step 4 : Wait for the dice to be rolled and displayed
  • Step 5 : Collect any winnings
  • Step 6 : Go back to Step 2

Sic Bo Bets

On a standard casino Sic Bo table there are a range of possible bets. These can be classed as six different bet types with each option having multiple betting possibilities and odds. The payout's for the various bets can vary from casino to casino so we have listed the most common odds. Be sure to check the payout's before you start playing.


Big / Small

This bet is placed on the total of the three dice being Big (11 to 17) or Small (4 to 10). Either bet loses if a triple is rolled. The typical payout for this bet is 1 to 1.


Odd / Even

This bet is placed on the total of the three dice being either odd or even. Like the Big / Small bet any bet placed on either will lose if a triple is rolled. Typical payout for this bet is 1 to 1. This bet is not available on all tables.


There are 14 different best on the total of the three dice. The payout's in general range from 50 to 1 and 6 to 1. You will find that these are the most common payoffs that casinos change - either better or worse.
Total : 4 (Pays 50 to 1)
Total : 11 (Pays 6 to 1)
Total : 5 (Pays 18 to 1)
Total : 12 (Pays 6 to 1)
Total : 6 (Pays 14 to 1)
Total : 13 (Pays 8 to 1)
Total : 7 (Pays 12 to 1)
Total : 14 (Pays 12 to 1)
Total : 8 (Pays 8 to 1)
Total : 15 (Pays 14 to 1)
Total : 9 (Pays 6 to 1)
Total : 16 (Pays 18 to 1)
Total : 10 (Pays 6 to 1)
Total : 17 (Pays 50 to 1)


This bet is placed on all three dice landing on the same number. There are six possible triple bets (111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and 666). A bet on a specific triple typically pays 150 to 1.

Any Triple

This bet is placed on the outcome being any triple rather than a specific triple. Typical payout for this bet is 24 to 1


This bet is placed on the outcome being that two dice have the same value. The bet wins as long as two of the three dice are the correct double. Bets typically are typically paid at 8 to 1.

Two Dice Combinations

This bet is placed on the next roll containing two specific dice. for example 1 & 2, 1 & 5, 3 & 6 and so on. There are 15 possible combinations and the bet wins if the two selected numbers are rolled. This bet pays 5 to 1.

Any Number

The final betting option on the Sic Bo table are the single number bets which are 1 though 6. You win if one of more of the dice on the next roll are the correct number. Typically you win 1 to 1 for one match, 2 to 1 for 2 matches and 3 to 1 if all three dice match.

Sic Bo Strategy & Playing Tips

The first thing you need to take into account when playing Sic Bo is the fact that all of the bets have a house edge. That is the casino has an automatic edge over the player. House advantages on the Sic Bo table range from 2.78% to over 30%.
The second feature of Sic Bo that must be considered is the fact that there is no way to predict the outcome of the dice. Casinos take great care to ensure that all dice are exactly the same and therefore there will be no bias towards any particular numbers.

Best Long Term Sic Bo Strategy

Over the long term your best bet is to go with the betting options that have the lowest house edge. While these might not have the highest pay offs on the table over the long term they will keep the casinos edge low.
The best bets are either Big or Small, both of which have a house edge of 2.78%. If the Odd / Even bets are available they also have a 2.78% edge.

High Risk Strategy

If you are going to be playing only a small amount of games then you might like to do the exact opposite of the betting strategy above. Going for the bets with the highest pay offs in the hope of hitting and getting a big win. In this case the highest wins are for the specific triple bets.
The house edge on the specific triple bets depend on the pay off for the win. This can range from between 30.09% (Pays 150 to 1) to 16.20% (Pays 180 to 1) depending on where you play.

A Note About Probabilities

A common mistake that many gamblers make is reading too much into patterns. For example it the outcome has been Big for the last five rolls they bet a lot on Small in the theory that since there have been five Big that Small must be next. This is not the case and a lot of strategies are based on this.
Every roll is in no way related to the last. So while you might get a run of the same outcome that in no way means the outcome has to change the next roll. Every roll is independent and has exactly the same chance of any particular outcome occurring.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Sportsbetting Glossary

Circled Game: A game where the maximum bet is restricted, often due to injuries.
Futures: Bets placed on the outcome of a future event, for example betting during the NHL season on the Stanley Cup champion.
Lines: Another word for odds.
Money Line: The amount you must bet to win $100, or the amount you win if you bet $100.
Over/Under: A bet on whether the total points/goals scored by the two teams will exceed or be less than a specified number.
Parlay: A bet on 2 or more games. All selections must be correct for the parlay to win.
Pick: A game where no team or betting option is favored, the teams are evenly matched.
Point spread: The handicap that the favorite gives to the underdog to make the bet fair.
Push: A game that is tied when the point spread is factored in.
Single: A bet on a single game or event.
Spread: Another way to say point spread.
Teaser: A bet on 2 or more teams where the bettor can add or subtract points from the spread to make their bets stronger. All selections must be correct for the teaser to win.
Total: The combined number of points or goals scored by the two teams.

Sports Betting - If-win Bets

If-win bets are based on the results of one particular game. Bettors wager a fixed amount on one team in an If-win bet. If that team wins or the game is tied, then another fixed amount - up to the original amount - is bet on a different team.
Your first wager must win in order for you to have action on the remaining wagers. If the first wager loses, there is No Action thereafter. You cannot have duplicate teams in the same If-win wager.

Sports Betting - Payoffs and Odds

The payoff for football, basketball, and hockey is $100 for every $110 wagered, unless otherwise noted. Therefore, $110 will be wagered if you specify a $100 straight bet.
At odds of 100/110, only 52.5% of your bets have to win for you to overcome the bookmaker's profit and break even. As a result, the bettor only need a very small edge to become a winner. Some sports bettors win 55- or even 60% or their bets.
Parlay bets are another story. The actual odds of picking two winners is 3 to 1, but a typical payout is 2.6 to 1. This gives the sportsbook a 10% advantage, and that's too much! Worse still, the odds usually get even longer when you add more games to your parlay. In a nutshell, it's best to avoid parlay bets.

Sports Betting - Exotic Bets

Sportsbooks often post odds and accept wagers on a variety of other activities - just to keep life interesting.
For example, you may be able to place a bet on who will win the Presidential race or the Best Actor award at the Oscars. The oddsmaker sets the conditions and odds for these bets.
Many exotic bets are offered at 110 to 100 odds, but some will be offered at better or worse odds, depending on the bet.